Ashra of Ramadan

First Part Reflects Mercy of Allah (Rehmah)

Second Part Reflects Forgiveness of Allah (Maghfirah)

Third Part Reflects Safety from the Hell (Nijat)

The Holy Prophet Muhammad ? said: It (Ramadan) is the month, whose beginning is mercy, its middle, forgiveness and its end, emancipation from the fire (of hell).

No doubt, the month of Ramadan is full of blessings, mercy and forgiveness. It’s the best opportunity for all the Muslims to collect more blessings of Allah and pray for their forgiveness and to be saved from the Hell fire.

First Ashra of Ramadan - Mercy

First ten days of Ramadan are the days of Mercy and blessing and every Muslim must seek the Mercy and Blessings of Almighty Allah. It’s a special verse that usually recites the Muslims in first ten days. The Dua for the first Ashra is:

Translation: “O! My Lord forgives and have Mercy and You are the Best of Merciful”

Second Ashra of Ramadan - Forgiveness

Second ten days of Ramadan day 11th to, day 20th consists of the second Ashra and its called Ashra or forgiveness. Muslims must seek for the forgiveness of Allah Almighty and regret for all their sins. The Dua for second Ashra is:

Translation: “I ask forgiveness of my sins from Allah who is my Lord and I turn towards Him.”

Third Ashra of Ramadan - Safety

Third Ashra starts from 21st Ramadan and ends 29th or 30th Ramadan according to the moon. Third Ashra is known as Safety from the Hell it means Nijat. In the end of Ramadan is about seeking in Allah Almighty from Hellfire. Every Muslim must pray that from the safety of Hell fire. The Last Ashra is very important and superior. In this Ashra Lailatul Qadar also falls and many Muslims also practice Aitkaf (seclusion for prayers) in this Ashra and try to maximize their prayers.

Stated in Quran:

“We sent it (Quran) down on a blessed Night. Verily,We are ever warning. Therein (in that Night) is decreed every matter of ordainment. Amran (i.e. a command or this Quran or His Decree of every matter) from Us. Verily, We are ever sending (the Messenger) (As) a Mercy from your Lord.” [Quran 44: 3-6]

Dua of third Ashra is:

Translation: “I seek forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, from every sin I committed”

( Reprinted


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